Group Coaching

Group Coaching Asbury Park NJ

Blossom Support and Recovery Group Program:
A Three Month Empowerment Journey

If over 50% of first marriages end in divorce, why do I feel so alone?

If divorce is the second most stressful thing a person can experience, why don’t I have more support?

There are people around me but nobody understands.

Trust. Safety. Connection.

Support. Recovery. Community.

Divorce is hard. Lets grow through it together.

You are never alone in this group.

Divorce Creates A Whole New Range Of Emotions That Can Be Difficult To Manage:

  • You are confused

  • You are overwhelmed

  • You are paralyzed by fear

  • You can’t get past your anger

  • You are struggling with parenting

  • You are not making good decisions

  • Your self-esteem is at an all-time low

  • You are overcome with grief and loss

  • You have no idea what you are going to do once this divorce is over

On A Daily Basis, You May Need Help With:

  • Coping skills

  • Problem solving

  • Avoiding mistakes

  • Creating boundaries

  • Developing resilience

  • Harnessing your emotions

  • Communicating assertively

  • Dealing more effectively with conflict

  • Sharing your thoughts and feeling with someone who “gets it”

Blossom Support and Recovery Group Program

How Would You Feel If:

  • You had a safe space to meet and discuss everything you’re going through with a group that is going through the exact same thing.

  • You had a supportive group, sounding board and empathetic listeners to walk the path with you.

  • You never had to face your challenges alone.

  • You blossomed into the next chapter of your life feeling confident, strong and empowered.

By working together, all of this is possible!

Blossom Divorce Support and Recovery Group Program provides a safe place to grow individually and with the support and companionship of others facing similar challenges. Participants are guided through their unique divorce recovery path to maximize healing, growth and movement forward. By managing emotional turmoil, clarifying goals and learning practical tools participants will be better able to integrate their divorce and reclaim control over their lives.

Where your

Imagine a safe and supportive place where you are free to heal and grow from your divorce.

A place where you can truly be your authentic self.

A judgment-free zone.

A warm and nurturing environment to be vulnerable, celebrated, validated and understood.

A welcoming community of individuals who really identify with what you are going through, because they are going through it too.

Blossom Divorce Support and Recovery Group is a space to reflect on your feelings, discuss your fears, and plan your future while sharing with and learning from people also impacted by divorce.

Divorce can be:

  • Confusing

  • Overwhelming

  • Terrifying

  • Frustrating

  • Maddening

  • Chaotic

  • Lonely

  • Painful

  • Isolating

  • Heart-wrenching

  • Infuriating

Don’t go through it alone.

But divorce can also be:

  • Empowering!

Areas of Focus:

We address and develop answers to the “big questions”.

Discover answers to 9 essential questions that will guide and empower you through your divorce experience.

Month 1 — Clarity to Manage Your Emotions

Who Am I?  Who Do I Want to Be?

  1. Who Am I? – Best self and Self care

  2. What Am I Feeling? – Overwhelm and Emotions 

  3. Why Is This So Hard? – Anger and Grief

Month 2 — Confidence to Make Decisions

Where Am I? Where Do I Want to Go?

  1. What Am I Thinking? – Self-talk

  2. Where Am I Going? – Goals

  3. How Do I Get There? – Decisions

Month 3 — Courage to Move Forward
in an Empowered Life

How Do I Get There? What will it be like?

  1. When Will I Arrive? – Letting Go

  2. Will I Be OK? – Avoiding mistakes

  3. What Will My New Life Look Like? – Thriving


Blossom Divorce Support and Recovery 3 month transition program consists of:

  • One 60 minute individual initial kick-off call

  • Nine 90 minute group sessions held virtually

  • 3 months of topics promoting divorce support and recovery

  • Support and enrichment materials

  • Ongoing access to a members only, private Facebook group to communicate between sessions

Overcome the chaos so you can move forward
with Clarity, Confidence and Courage.

What People Are Saying: