Hi, I’m Kimberly.
I know exactly how you are feeling and how stressful and confusing your current situation is.
Countless questions run through your head ranging from “When will this hurt go away?” “Will I ever feel like myself again?” to “Will I be ok after this is all over?”
I’ve been there and experienced exactly what you are feeling now, and I can tell you that there is a way forward — a safe space that will allow you to process, engage, connect, and move through this period of your life with a sense of empowerment and purpose.

About Blossom Coaching
After experiencing my own painful divorce in 2016, I decided to pivot my mental health counseling practice to specialize in divorce coaching.
I was an experienced therapist, and working with individuals struggling with their mental health was fulfilling.
Then, in 2016, after over 20 years of marriage, I was facing my own divorce. I was terrified and overwhelmed, furious and heartbroken, I didn't know where to turn. My family was supportive but not objective. My friends were shared by us both and "picked sides". My poor kids were so confused and conflicted. My lawyer was very kind but not trained in mental health and came with a high hourly rate.
I needed specialized help during that that traumatic period of my life. And with that realization, I have made it my purpose and passion to help others navigate their divorce journey. I’ve now become the support person I wish I had when I was going through my own divorce.
And that is how Blossom Coaching was born!
Why Blossom?
Because I wish I had known me when:
I was overwhelmed and terrified.
I felt rejected and discarded.
I was so angry I wanted to scream all the time but so distraught I sobbed often.
I still needed to be “whole” on the outside but I felt broken in a million pieces on the inside.
“Just because your marriage is ending doesn’t mean your life is over”
But Now I Know:
There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Your “Happily Ever After Part 2” does exist.
But you have to go through it to get through it…
How To Blossom:
Thinking about getting separated, going through the process and learning how to transition into post-divorce life can be a difficult road. This is a road I can help you navigate.
I have travelled this road myself during my own painful divorce and I made it through to the other side. Now my passion and purpose is to support an empower others.
I help people impacted by divorce manage their overwhelm and navigate their transitions with clarity, confidence and courage as they make choices to create their best future.
It’s time to overcome the chaos so that you can move forward in your divorce experience with Clarity, Confidence and Courage.
The journey from signing a marriage certificate to finalizing a divorce decree is different for everybody. One thing that seems to unify everyone impacted by divorce is emotional overwhelm. It is my mission to help you manage that overwhelm so you can blossom into your future.
More About Me:
My divorce was both one of the worst things that I experienced but also one of the best things that ever could have happened to me.
The thing about my divorce is that, although at first I felt like I had broken into a million pieces, I became strong and empowered enough to put those pieces back together in the way that I wanted them to be arranged. It was not easy. It was not fun.
But it was worth it.
I can’t imagine where my life would be now if I had remained in my unhappy marriage. I’m pretty sure I would be very unhappy and I can guarantee I would not be helping others navigate their divorce journeys.
Getting divorce was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done but it made me stronger than I ever thought I could be.
The end and the beginning.
Back in July of 1995 I was an optimistic 25 year old who was marrying the love of her life. I had a degree in Psychology and a Master’s in Counseling. I was beginning my career in the Mental Health Field. Twenty-three years later in September of 2018 with two kids, two cats, two dogs and totally bewildered – I was divorced.
I am a single mom to two amazing young adults.
I have moved twice in less than 3 years. Now I live full-time at the Jersey Shore.
We have lots of rescued critters – 3 dogs, two cats and 3 pet rats.
I founded and run my “solopreneur” business, Blossom Coaching, LLC.
Facing my challenges has inspired me to dedicate my career to supporting others in facing their own challenges. After my divorce, I pivoted my practice to work exclusively with people in all stages and phases of their divorce journey. I realized that the “temporary insanity” felt during the process is, in fact, temporary and can be an empowering time of growth. With the right environment and nurturing, divorce can be a time to blossom – hence, Blossom Coaching…
Professional Bio
Kimberly Lorah is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Divorce Coach who specializes in guiding people through their divorce experiences to gain clarity, confidence and courage so they can make the best choices for their future.
An experienced and trusted mental health practitioner who provides clients with a safe space during an unpredictable time, Kim helps them rediscover and recreate their best selves before, during and after a divorce.
Kimberly has over 25 years of experience in the mental health field and currently specializes in divorce coaching. Her personal and professional experience led to her found her private practice, Blossom Coaching, LLC where she works with individuals, runs Divorce Support and Recovery Group Programs, hosts workshops, presents community outreach events and collaborates with other divorce professionals. Her goal is to create a space of trust, safety and connection which fosters healing and growth. She has successfully created her “Happily Ever After Part 2” and finds great joy in helping others do the same.